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Electrical energy storage

Energy storage is changing industrial operations on land and sea in a rapid way to reduce emissions, save on fuel and comply with future regulations. Van Meer develops fully electric and hybrid propulsion systems for a wide range of marine and offshore applications by implementing LTO-technology and supercapacitors in both new and retrofit projects

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Peak shaving

By implementing energy storage, you can use batteries and supercapacitors to reduce high surges in power. This is called peak shaving which makes the engines operate at a more stable, optimal load and reduces maintenance costs. 

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Load leveling

In case of low power demand, the engines charge the batteries  and discharge energy when surges in power demand occur. This results in a more optimal load for the engines, reduces maintenance costs and improves fuel efficiency.

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Spinning reserve

If other power sources on the power grid of a vessel fail, the EES system by Van Meer could function as a spinning reserve instead of a running generator on low load. This reduces both fuel usage and machinery wear.

Modulair system

Van Meer's EES systems are modular, where a higher or lower string of voltage can be realized by using more or less battery modules or supercapacitors. Van Meers’ EES has various cabinet dimensions in which the system can be build and customized according to the available space. In case future energy requirements increase Van Meer’s EES system can be scaled up. Van Meer distinguish themselves by offering a fully customized solution that is developed and produced in-house in The Netherlands. A customer-specific solution can be engineered mechanically, electrically and through software. Since Van Meer has the experience and knowledge of drive systems the integration of our EES system is made fully compatible and user friendly. Therefore, Van Meer can offer a total solution in which the EES system and the EES converter(s) can be delivered and commissioned as a total package.

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Load response

Gas engines have a limited power output in relation to a specific timeframe due to their mechanical elements while Van Meer’s EES can supply instant power when needed.

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0-emission mode

In hybrid solutions the system enables the vessel to operate on full electric power alone using the EES as the only energy source, with no COâ‚‚ emissions being generated. This technology can be used during docking the vessel in ports where 0-emission regulations are applicable and when the vessel is docked.


The lithium-titanate or lithium-titanium-oxide (LTO) battery is a type of rechargeable battery which has the advantage of charging faster than other lithium-ion batteries. The lithium-titanate battery can be charged and discharged for more than 30.000 cycles which results in a longer life cycle. LTO batteries have been tested under severe conditions such as puncture, extrusion, and short circuit. The results show no smoke, no fire, no explosion, and a higher safety level than other lithium batteries.

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A supercapacitor, also called an ultracapacitor, is a capacitor with a capacitance value higher than other capacitors and It bridges the gap between electrolytic capacitors and rechargeable batteries. Supercapacitors typically stores 10 to 100 times more energy per unit volume than electrolytic capacitors. These are used in applications that require thousands of fast charge and discharge cycles. Unlike ordinary capacitors, supercapacitors do not use the conventional solid dielectric, but use electrostatic double-layer capacitance and electrochemical pseudocapacitance, both of which contribute to the total capacitance of the capacitor.

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Marconiweg 5

4691 SV Tholen


+31 (0)166 60 20 10


Keizerstraat 64 - Bus 103

2000 Antwerpen


+32 (0)3 369 02 40


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